Highways: Section 278

Section 278

A section 278 agreement (or s278) is a section of the Highways Act 1980 that normally allows developers to enter into a legal agreement with the council in the capacity of the Highway Authority to make permanent alterations or improvements to a public highway, as part of a planning approval.

Examples of work covered by an s278 include:

  • New/alteration of crossings or junctions close to the development site
  • New or changed access into a development site (i.e. a signalised junction, roundabout, bell mouth, right turn lane or a simple priority junction etc

Benefits of the council carrying out the works

  1. The developer has a one stop shop for construction with a single point of contact
  2. As the Highway Authority is carrying out the work, after gaining technical approval, there is no need to enter into a Section 278 Agreement saving the developer time and money
  3. As the Highway Authority is carrying out the work, there is no need for the Developer to enter into a bond agreement to secure the funding of the scheme for five years, leaving the developer free to spend that money on future projects
  4. No need for 12-month Maintenance Periods and Adoption stages.
  5. No need for subsequent returns to site by the developer for maintenance period reviews.

For pricing or to discuss your requirements further, email us on highway.sales@stoke.gov.uk