Internal audit

Additional information


  • It is proposed that delivery is undertaken through a mixture of on-site and remote access as required
  • Service standards to be agreed, SOTCC fraud team will endeavour to provide prompt and professional responses to all requests


  • Payment is required quarterly in advance
  • The number of days and costs are negotiable if all the above services are not required
  • Mileage costs will apply in certain circumstances, to be agreed

Managing the agreement

  • Quarterly (or more frequently if required) progress meetings to take place between the parties to ensure that service provision is satisfactory to both
  • Any changes or variation to the agreement will be agreed in writing
  • Either party may terminate the agreement with 90 days’ notice
  • All information accessed will be done so in strict confidence and all data protection requirements will be complied with



The service is a full counter-fraud service which covers all types of non-benefit and corporate fraud:

a) Non-benefit fraud

Here defined as all non-welfare (benefit) frauds which are committed against councils by external persons or bodies. This type of fraud includes: tenancy fraud, procurement fraud, council tax fraud, business rates fraud, grant fraud, blue badge fraud, insurance fraud, social care fraud (direct payments) and pension fraud.

Corrupt practices such as bribing a council officer are also included.

b) Corporate fraud

Here defined as frauds committed by those within councils such as employees and members. This type of fraud includes payroll fraud, expenses fraud, procurement fraud, fraud within Local Authority maintained schools, fraud within bodies owned / controlled by councils and client monies’ fraud.

Corrupt practices such as accepting a bribe in order to influence a decision are also included.

The aim, as far as is possible, is to introduce a common approach in both Authorities so that efficiencies can be derived. However it is recognised that this will not necessarily always be the best approach and both parties will be flexible when it is more appropriate to be so.